I spoke with Henry Rollins the other day. It was a phone interview to preview an upcoming Spoken Word tour date in Charlotte.
The interview was scheduled for 20 to 25 minutes, but the publicist told me that if Henry was his usual talkative self, to roll with it. I was apparently the last interview of the day.
Well, it was one of the finer interviews I've done. Fascinating and informative.
When I interviewed Alice Cooper a few years ago, a 15-minute interview went on for 45 minutes. I asked everything I could - about The Muppet Show, his golf game - until I finally ran out of questions.
With Rollins, I had tons more that I could have asked. I didn't get into acting. I didn't get into his tattoos. I didn't get into his lyrics as much as I would have liked. I didn't get into his writing.
The interview focused a lot on his travels, his spoken word and where he is in the present day as far as music is concerned. The full 7,500 word interview will be posted on charlotte.creativeloafing.com next week.
Hopefully, I'll get another chance to talk with him. Until then...