Musical Garbage Can

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

American Idol - Final 4

So, we're down to four contestants on the country's biggest karaoke contest and they went with the Bee Gees...

Ugh, there are so many things I don't like about this show.

Anyway, I've grown tired of Melinda's ballads, Lakisha's screaming and Blake's beatboxing.

This is Jordin's chance to win it. If she gets voted out - most likely because people assume she's safe - it's pointless to pay attention to who wins.

I think Melinda and Lakisha would disappear into the Fantasia, Ruben and Taylor world of former Idol winners.

Melinda is too dime-a-dozen. There are plenty of good singers, but she's missing the "Wow" factor. I've also seen the spit fly out of her mouth too many times for her to be visually appealing.

Lakisha looks like she'd putting a hurtin' on me if I say something bad, but I've said it since week one - she screams. Like Jennifer Hudson before her, she needs to tone it down a notch and relax. We can hear you just fine - it's called a microphone. It's also that lisp and strange way her mouth curls up for the letter 's' that ruins any appeal the singer might have.

Blake can beatbox, we get it. I didn't think his songs last night sounded bad, but sometimes there can be too much of a good thing. I thought he changed it up nicely with the falsetto - probably the first time it hasn't made me cringe on this show.

Jordin - she's got style, poise, presense, beauty and a naturally gifted voice. She's young and would probably put out a better, hipper album than Melinda or Lakisha.

I'm guessing that tonight, Lakisha is gone.


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