Making a choice

I received a concert update from The Cat's Cradle over in Carrboro, N.C., yesterday, and it brought up an interesting situation:
What do you do when two bands you'd love to see in concert are both playing on the same night?
On March 1, at The Cat's Cradle, The Secret Machines are playing. For those of you who have been reading this blog, you'll know I ranked their album as one of the best of last year.
That same day at Disco Rodeo in Raleigh, Social Distortion is playing.
I've been thinking about these shows for the past 24 hours.
Currently, I'm leaning toward The Secret Machines for two main reasons - it's cheaper, and it's closer.
I've loved Social Distortion for years, but I'm banking on the fact that the band has had more longevity and will be back around soon.
The Secret Machines could get bigger and cost more in the near future, so I'd like to see them in a smaller club atmosphere.
Who knows, in a couple of hours, I could change my mind. Either way, I'll post a review of the show right here inside the Can.
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